For dealmakers in private equity, venture capital, and growth equity the most important news to stay on top of are trends within their investment mandate and automated updates from their portfolio companies.
What you'll find below is not a custom list of newsletters or podcast tailored specifically to your field, but generalists and industry reports that are useful for dealmakers across all industries.
Each dealmakers' news subscriptions will vary but here are some of the top M&A newsletters that give dealmakers high level understanding of what’s going in the public and private markets on any given day.
All the newsletters are free and bring value to your inbox, not clutter.
Free Daily Roundups
Axios Pro Rata
Dive into the world of dealmakers across VC, PE and M&A. By Dan Primack, the best-sourced deals reporter, with a weekend edition by Kia Kokalitcheva.

Fortune's Term Sheet
Fortune’s daily brief on deals and dealmakers written by Jessica Matthew and Anne Sraders.

MoneyStuff by Bloomberg Opinion
If you’re looking to go beyond a roundup of headlines and dig deep into 2-3 stories per day this is the newsletter for you. You'll learn something new every day.

Think Like an Owner by Alex Bridgemen
Digest Think Like an Owner's content in your prefer medium: podcast, newsletter, or research reports. Think Like an Owner aims to be the leading source for knowledge, ideas, and frameworks for operators and investors looking to grow small companies. They share what the most talented operators and investors are thinking about and doing to build transformative companies.

Hear from Your Peers
If you’re looking for less of a headline roundup and more for insights from other investors, these newsletters are for you.
There are dozens of news feeds on publicly traded companies or the next unicorn, but what are some of the best resources specifically for middle market dealmakers We recommend getting the inside scoop from investors doing the damn thing. These are investors researching and conducting deals, who in their spare time are also churning out great podcasts and blogs.
Small Bets by the Hustle Fund
Small Bets (written by The Hustle Fund's Head of Marketing Kera DeMars) breaks down the q’s their venture capital firm asks when approaching deals and gives examples of when to close and when to walk away from a deal.
Scott Becker’s The Minute Podcast
You’re busy. Scott Becker’s podcast and newsletter are short and sweet. Scott Becker is a partner at McGuireWoods. With years of experience investing in healthcare, you’ll want to hear from him and his guests each month.
Lancor’s Private Equity Board
The Private Equity Board, written by Scott Estill, partner at Lancor, keeps dealmakers in the know about the job landscape. Your next target's greatest asset is their operators and how they shape the business. Check out Estill’s blog “Why (Most) Executive Recruiters Don’t Want Your Call. Subscribe and get notified when the next one drops.
For insights on the US Middle Market, sign up for Grata’s Middle Market Monitor. We’ll send you a round-up of deep dives into specific sectors, M&A trends, and client highlights once a month.