CRM Intelligence

CRM Intel isn’t just another CRM integration - it’s the most intelligent integration on the planet, giving you the Intel you need to close more deals. Stop wasting time switching between systems. Grata’s CRM Intel helps you find hidden opportunities and prioritize the right targets, faster.

Trusted by over 500 firms and
3,000 dealmakers

…and 9 of the top 10 management consulting firms

Access relationship data from your CRM, in Grata

With CRM Intel powering your search, you can use your firm’s proprietary data to find better deals. Available for Salesforce, Dealcloud, and Hubspot.

Get Started Now

Sourcing supercharged

  • Save time switching between Grata and your CRM. See your most important CRM data in Grata profiles and our Chrome extension.
  • Filter by your CRM data. See your relationships and top-scored targets in Grata lists, conferences, and searches.
  • See your CRM data in Grata tables. Sort by priority and date of last outreach to rank your list. Export with ease.
  • CEO meeting coming up? Need a hook for your next cold email? Knowing your closest portfolio to name-drop, every similar deal you’ve recently seen, and every similar conversation you’ve had in the last month is now easy, making you the smartest person in the room.
  • Get alerts when your team reaches out to new targets, targets you’re tracking raise capital, or you get assigned companies to review.

Streamlined Sourcing

Improve team efficiency and save hours every week. Our powerful UI allows you to do in minutes, what once took hours.

  • Similar company search helps you find opportunities that look like your best deals
  • Automatically sync companies and contacts to your CRM
  • Google Chrome Extension extends the power of Grata to any website

How it works

step one
step one

Seamless Connectivity

Sync your CRM from the account page and select which custom fields you’d like to appear in Grata. With just a few clicks, your most important relationship data now lives in Grata and fuels your workflows.

step two
step two

New Ways To Filter

Create custom searches that streamline your workflow. Filtering on team member, last activity date, or your custom pipeline stage helps save you time by getting the noise out of your view.

step three
step three

Prioritization Made Simple

Whether you’re going to a conference or just planning out your next round of outreach, CRM Intel gives you all the information you need to prioritize which accounts to hit and when.

Frequently asked questions

How long does the integration take and how long before I see my CRM data in Grata?
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The integration takes only a few minutes. All that’s required is to select which fields you want to appear in Grata. Once the initial setup is complete, you’ll be able to see your data immediately.

Is my CRM data viewable by others?
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Your CRM Intel data will only be viewable by the users on your account. No other accounts will be able to see your data. It’s stored in our database behind several layers of firewall in an extremely secure database. In addition, the access tokens to your data are encrypted.

I have a non-supported CRM, when can I use CRM Intel?
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If you use a CRM that is not supported by CRM Intel, please email you Customer Success Manager. Your feedback will be documented and relayed to our product team.

Why are precedents transactions higher than comparable companies?
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Transaction values may be higher or lower than comparable companies based on strategic premiums investors or strategic acquirers are willing to pay.

"I previously had to do detective work to find good companies to call on. I've used many sources and evaluated many companies, and if I had to design a perfect tool for this it would be pretty close to Grata."
Frank Leibly, Alcon Partners
"The biggest benefit is just how comprehensive all the data is for the individual companies, as well as the industry search capabilities."
Wills Hutras, Copley Equity Partners
"We are constantly looking for innovative ways to find better answers for our clients. Grata has been terrific for us and allowed us to uncover insights we wouldn’t have otherwise been able to find."
Aaron Smith, L.E.K Consulting
Try Grata today