Smarter proprietary deal sourcing for M&A

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Smarter proprietary deal sourcing for M&A

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our data

Your private market source of truth

Offering the most comprehensive, up-to-date, and insightful business information on small to medium-sized businesses, opening up 50% of the US economy.

8M+ companies listed and growing
150k+ data points added per day
100k+ companies refreshed per day
1 search logged per minute

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Streamline searching

Find the companies you're looking for faster with Grata's powerful search capabilities.

Curate lists

Map your target universe by building lists with a custom search, or use pre-built lists to jump-start your search.

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Find similar companies

Surface the companies that look like your best opportunities and fit your filters.

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Stay on top of changes

Be the first to know about website changes and key events like growth, hiring, funding, and ownership changes. Insight delivered straight to your inbox.

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Make contact

Get in touch and land more meetings with verified company owners.

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Automate decks

End the pixel pushing and late nights. The information you need, in the way your partners want to see it.

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Analyze markets

Your market intelligence in realtime, not days or weeks. Get the custom birdseye views of your niche, so you only spend time in the markets best for you.

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Canvas the universe of middle market companies

The average dealmaker sees only 18% of relevant deals. Confidently search for relevant opportunities amidst the complete universe of 8M+ hard-to-find middle market companies with up-to-date and comprehensive information about each.

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Easily surface relevant targets

Grata's proprietary engine with 100M+ data points, equipped with a smarter search engine, enables you to see the right companies faster. Search by your thesis, in your own words. Find companies based on their strategy, business model, services, features, and more.

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Get smarter, faster

Get the latest information on private companies. See what your competitors miss and engage in meaningful conversations with the right opportunities.

Engage with business owners
Get in touch with over 2M business owners and executives. The most comprehensive data on company owners in the market.
Keep your pipeline fresh
Grata’s proprietary data and algorithms give you an information edge - equipping you with key company insights before you make contact, making for more informed conversations.
Find companies that look like your best deals
The faster, simpler way to find and pre-qualify relevant businesses to reach out to, all with an ultra-modern, streamlined user experience
For smarter search
Smarter search
Robust data & coverage
Base integrations
For more ambitious
Auto CRM updates
High volume exports
Custom tags
For deploying Grata
For teams of 15+
Seat-based pricing
Premium support
For integrating with
in-house systems
Access to API endpoints
Search, similar search, enrichment
Full access to contacts
"Previously used to have to do detective work to find good companies to call on. I've used many sources and evaluated many companies, and if I had to design a perfect tool for this it would be pretty close to Grata."
Frank Leibly, Alcon Partners
"The biggest benefit is just how comprehensive all the data is for the individual companies, as well as the industry search capabilities."
Wills Hurtas, Copley Equity Partners
“We looked at other solutions like Capital IQ– but there was a world of difference between their company data and the information we needed.”
Andrew Wert, Air Techniques International
Andrew Wert
"We are constantly looking for innovative ways to find better answers for our clients. Grata has been terrific for us and allowed us to uncover insights we wouldn’t have otherwise been able to find."
Aaron Smith, L.E.K Consulting

Try Grata today

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